Please be advised that this site is not affiliated with the Service Canada office.
It was created to provide general EI information only.


Due to a higher number of Employment Insurance application, Service Canada EI processing will conduct a claimant verification call after you have filed your online EI application. Normally, the telephone number will show “No Caller ID”, sometimes the phone will indicate an out of province number. The EI verification system is a nation wide system, therefore the authentication call may be conducted by an junior processing agent across any EI processing office in Canada.

EI claimants will normally receive a verification call when there is a discrepancy between information inputted in online EI application vs what shown in SIN file. When an EI processing office agent called, they will only ask for your name and the first 2 digits of your EI access code. Then they will ask you to confirm specific mismatched information on the phone.

If you do not feel comfortable speaking about your EI information. You may always call EI call centre back at 1-800-206-7218 to get your validation issue resolved.

Once again, please be careful of potential EI scam.