If you have missed or unable to attend your Claimant Information Session, you must make sure to call the Service Canada Integrity unit’s telephone number in the letter you have received. If not, you EI claim will be suspended until you have attended a rescheduled session or a personal interview with Service Canada integrity agent. If you are unable to contact the Integrity unity through the telephone number, you must call EI call centre at 1-800-206-7218 to have a call centre agent to forward your message to Integrity unit.
If the EI claimant have language barrier and is unable to attend the session, he/she must make sure to call the Integrity Scheduling unit to arrange a special appointment with their translator.
Although selection to attend the EI session is a random process, here are some fact about it:
- If you are part of the Union Hiring Hall member, you may still be selected to attend.
- You are on an active regular EI claim.
- You may be selected to attend every 2 to 3 year.
- You may be selected to attend after every 2 or 3 regular EI claim.
If you have found a full-time permanant work and have decided to end your EI, you may wish not to attend the EI session. You must make sure to declare in your report that you have found full-time work.
For more information or to contact Service Canada Integrity scheduling unit.
For province of Ontario
Integrity Scheduling Unit telephone number is 1-866-852-0633. Make sure to keep redialing if the line is too busy.
For Atlantic region (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island)
Integrity Scheduling Unit telephone number is 1-888-650-5300.