If you disagree with an EI overpayment, you may complete the Request for Reconsideration form to appeal the overpayment amount only. You have within 30 days from the day you received your decision letter to launch your appeal. If you do not agree with your appeal decision, you make file your re-appeal to the Social Security Tribunal. The reconsideration process cannot appeal an interest because it is charged in accordance with the Employment Insurance Regulations. It is rare to have your overpayment interest waived during an appeal process. All appeal requests are being assessed in a case-by-case situation. If you have any relevant information, you may call EI call centre to add the info or to submit in writing.
Please be advised to also contact Canada Revenue Agency to inform your EI overpayment appeal on the Notice of Debt you received. In this case, CRA will not charge your overpayment interest while waiting for Service Canada’s appeal decision. You must inform CRA of this delay or else they will charge the interest when the debt is past due. Service Canada will not notify CRA when you have filed an appeal.
CRA Debt Management Call Centre 1-866-864-5823
Once you have completed the Request to Reconsideration form, you may either drop off the form directly to your local Service Canada centre or mail it back directly to EI processing centre by following the instruction in the letter. To learn more about how to appeal, you may visit our post How to Appeal an EI decision.