Please be advised that this site is not affiliated with the Service Canada office.
It was created to provide general EI information only.


How to withdraw from Self-Employed EI benefits contribution

You can withdraw from the program at any time, unless you have received special benefits as a self-employed person. If you have, you’ll continue paying premiums for as long as you’re self-employed.

  1. Log into My Service Canada Account
  2. Under the View/Change tab on the main page, click the Employment Insurance (EI) drop‑down
  3. Click Agreement status (self-employed)
  4. Follow the steps to end your agreement with the Employment Insurance Commission

Withdrawal from the program within 60 days

If you withdraw within 60 days of registering, you won’t have to pay any premiums. If you change your mind about withdrawing, you’ll have to register for the program again. You’ll need to wait 12 months from your new confirmed registration date before you can apply for special benefits.

Withdrawal from the program after 60 days

If you withdraw more than 60 days after registering, you’ll have to pay premiums until December 31 of the year you withdraw. You must notify Service Canada in writing by December 31 if you want to cancel your withdrawal.

If you’ve been registered for 12 months or more and you need benefits before December 31 of the year you withdraw, you can still apply for them. Receiving special benefits will cancel your withdrawal and your registration in the program will continue.