Please be advised that this site is not affiliated with the Service Canada office.
It was created to provide general EI information only.


Employment Insurance for Apprentices – Update

If you are an apprentice leaving work for the sole purpose of attending full-time technical training, you may be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, and your employer can help you receive your EI benefits faster.

Submitting Records of Employment for apprentices

Using the correct reason for issuing code on the Record of Employment (ROE) will help ensure the EI application process is not delayed. When your employee is leaving work for the sole purpose of attending full-time technical training, use Code J (apprentice training) in Block 16. If you issue a paper ROE, provide it to your employee as soon as possible after they have stopped working. Let them know they are required to provide a copy to Service Canada after applying for EI to complete the application process. If you issue an electronic ROE, let your employee know they are not required to submit a copy to Service Canada.

The Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan

As an employer, you can use a Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan to increase your employee’s weekly earnings during their periods of technical training. When you choose to use a SUB Plan you are supporting your apprentice through the completion of their technical training. Visit Support for apprentices for information on more programs available to help apprentices complete their training and for employers to hire and train apprentices.