Welcome to UnemploymentCanada.ca
This blogsite is created by a team of knowledgeable Employment Insurance program experts. Our goal is to provide general information on the Canadian Employment Insurance program. For unemployed people to better understand their rights on EI and provide helpful resources for them to succeed during their career transition.
Please be advised that this site is not a government website.
It is created to provide general pension information only.
EI topics
Does EI pays for statutory holiday when travel outside of Canada?
How to call EI call centre from outside of Canada
 Record of Employment
The Record of Employment (ROE) is the single most important document in Employment Insurance. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) uses the information on the ROE to determine whether a person qualifies for EI benefits, the benefit rate and the duration of the claim. The ROE also plays an important role in controlling the misuse of EI funds. A ROE must be issued even if the employee has no intention of filing a claim for EI benefits.
To learn more about your ROE – click here