Please be advised that this site is not affiliated with the Service Canada office.
It was created to provide general EI information only.


If you have lost your EI access code or have not received your access code letter by mail, you may reset it through the follow 2 options:

  1. Call EI call centre at 1-800-206-7218, during weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. local time.
  2. Personally visit the nearest Service Canada Centre with 2 pieces of photo ID. You will be asked some questions to confirm your identity before given a new temporary EI access code. You will then have to call the EI phone line to reset your temporary password to permanent password by pressing option 1.

Service Canada will not accept 3rd party access code request.

Contacting Service Canada by E-form service

New* You may now request to have your EI access code reset by sending an email request to Service Canada. Find out more How to clear a pending report through Service Canada E-form?
