Please be advised that this site is not affiliated with the Service Canada office.
It was created to provide general EI information only.


IMPORTANT: The 4 digits EI access code will no longer be useful to register your My Service Canada Account. You must request your Personal Access Code (PAC) separately. Click here to learn how to request your PAC.

Once you have finished your EI online application, you will receive a 4 digits access code by mail within 1 to 2 week(s). This is an instructional letter that everyone will receive upon filling your EI application online. It will provide you with the following two instructions:

  1. Visit Service Canada website (Read: How to complete your EI report) to complete your online report. You may choose to complete your report by phone 1-800-206-7218.
  2. Register your My Service Canada Account – MSCA (Read: How to register MSCA) to add your direct deposit information or to view the status of your application.

If you did not receive your Access Code letter or you need to reset your code, make sure to call Service Canada Employment Insurance line at 1-800-206-7218 to have your EI access code reset or you may visit your local Service Canada centre to have an agent to reset it for you. Not receiving access code letter does not constitute a valid reason to delay the completion of your online report, therefore you might lose your EI benefits and will have to re-activate your claim again.

If you have recently applied EI within 52 weeks. The system will automatically re-activate your existing claim (if there are benefit weeks left). In this case, you will not receive new Access Code letter. Keep using your existing one.


Contacting Service Canada by E-form service

New* You may now request to have your EI access code reset by sending an email request to Service Canada. Find out more How to clear a pending report through Service Canada E-form?