Posts tagged with: MSCA

IMPORTANT: The 4 digits EI access code will no longer be useful to register your My Service Canada Account. You must request your Personal Access Code (PAC) separately. Click here to learn how to request your PAC. Once you have...
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EI T4E from Service Canada...
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My Service Canada Account (MSCA) Once you have applied your EI benefits and have received your Access Code letter by mail, you can register your EI online account called My Service Canada Account (MSCA). There are 2 ways to register....
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Since October 2020, all EI claimants are no longer able to register their My Service Canada Account using their EI access code. Clients must obtained a Personal Access Code separately from Service Canada through the following options: Online Request PAC...
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Unfortunately, there is no update regarding extending existing EI benefit weeks on regular or sickness claim. All EI claims are still processed according to the existing criteria. The only alternative we know is the Canada Emergency Response Benefits (CERB), however...
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Starting Monday October 24th, 2016. You will be able to log into your CRA online account through MSCA from Service Canada website. No extra CRA account registration necessary. You will have access to your personal income tax information through the...
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As of May 6th, 2017, Service Canada has added a new E.I. notification feature named Alert Me. This optional function will send you an email notification to alert you when an important new information about your claim is available. You...
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